
Documentation of tracezilla

Input-output balance

The report Input-output balance summarizes which lots with a certain certificate has gone in and out of production and inventory and shows the balance between in and out.

You can use the report for the organic inspection or for any other certification scheme that requires an input-output balance audit.

The report is structured in accordance with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s requirements for the organic accounting.

Your stock adjustments and the reasons for these will be displayed in the input-output report under the tabs Raw material Balance, Finished Good Balance and Input / Output.

Where to find the report

  1. Click Warehouse in the top menu.
  2. Select the Input-output balance in the section Reports in the drop-down menu.
  3. To select certification body, enter part of the name of the certification body in the field Certification Body and select it among your partners.
  4. Select a From Date as a minimum. If no To Date is selected, the period will run till Today.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Use the buttons to the right above the table view the table in a printer friendly format or export to Excel.
  7. The button XLSX exports the current table to Excel. The button XLSX (All) exports all tabs in the report to Excel.

Tabs, rows and columns in the report

In the sections below, you can read about the individual tabs, rows and columns in the report.

Raw Material Balance

This table shows the different SKUs within the selected certification scheme, that you marked as Raw Material when you set up your SKU. Below the SKU Name in the table, you can see which Unit of Measure is used in the report (to the right).

The rows in the table show the following:

Row title Explanation
Beginning, stock-taking This is your stock-taking as it was in the beginning of the selected period.
+ Purchased, received This is what you purchased in the selected period and thus was added to your inventory.
+ Produced, received This is what you produced (out of raw materials) in the selected period and thus was added to your inventory.
- End, stock-taking This is your stock-taking in the end of the selected period. If you did not select a To Date, the period will run till Today.
= Estimated consumption This is the sum of your inventory in the beginning of the period and what you purchased and produced within the period minus your inventory in the end of the period.
- Sold, delivered This is what you sold in the period and which has been dispatched from the warehouse.
- Consumed, certified production This is what you have used for certified production within the period.
- Consumed non-certified consumption This is what you used of certified products in the non-certified production.
- Used for events, webshop, retail etc. The amount of consumed raw materials for various events, store sales etc. pulled from stock via stock adjustment calculated in the selected unit of measure for the SKU.
- Taken for analysis The quantity of raw materials that have been pulled from stock for analysis through stock adjustment, calculated in the selected unit of measure for the SKU.
- Taken for product development The quantity of raw materials that have been pulled from stock through stock adjustment for the purpose of product development, calculated in the selected unit of measure for the SKU.
- Lost This is what you registered as lost within the period.
= Difference This is the difference between the caluculated (expected) consumption and the actual consumption. The difference should be zero. If the difference is positive or negative, it means that there is something that has not been accounted for, like unexpected loss.
Difference, percentage This is the difference in percentage.

RM: Stock Movements

This table shows Stock Movements for Raw Materials (RM).

The rows in this table show the SKUs within the selected certification scheme that you marked as Raw Material when you set up your SKU.

The rows show the following for each SKU:

Row title Explanation
End stock according to records This is your stock as it was by the end of the period before the selected period.
No adjustments related to stock-taking These are the adjustments you may have made as a consequence of the stock-taking by the end of the last period.

In case no adjustments have been made in connection with stock-taking, this row will have the text “No adjustments related to stock-taking”. In case adjustments have been made the lot numbers which have been adjusted will be displayed.
= Stock, beginning This is your stock at the beginning of the selected period.
Lots The following rows show the status of each of the lots on the SKU.
= End stock according to records This is your stock at the end of the selected period.
No adjustments related to stock-taking These are the adjustments made as a consequence of the stock-taking by the end of the existing period.

In case no adjustments have been made in connection with stock-taking, this row will have the text “No adjustments related to stock-taking”. In case adjustments have been made the lot numbers which have been adjusted will be displayed
Lots, totals This is the total, accumulated amount of stock of the specific SKU.

The columns in the table show the following:

Column title Explanation
Lot The lots on stock per SKU.
Movement Date The date the lot went in or out of your inventory.
Order The order that moved the lot in or out of your inventory.
Certificates Here are the certificates you may have attached to the individual lot.
Units Shows which units (Lot Unit and Unit of Measure) you use to measure the individual SKU or lot.
Quantity, Lot Unit The quantity you moved in and out of your inventory calculated in lot units.
Quantity, UoM The quantity you moved in and out of your inventory measured in Units of measure.
Accumulated Indicates how much is in your inventory after the lot went in or out of the inventory.

Finished Good Balance

The rows in this table show the different SKUs within the selected certification scheme, that you marked as Raw Material when you set up your SKU. Below the SKU Name in the table, you can see which Unit of Measure is used in the report (to the right).

The rows show the following for each SKU:

Row title Explanation
Beginning, stock-taking This is your stock-taking as it was in the beginning of the selected period.
+ Purchased, received This is what you purchased in the selected period and thus was added to your inventory.
+ Produced, received This is what you produced (out of raw materials) in the selected period and thus was added to your inventory.
- End stock-taking This is your stock-taking in the end of the selected period. If you did not select a To Date, the period will run till Today.
= Estimated sales This is the sum of your inventory in the beginning of the period and what you purchased and produced within the period minus your inventory in the end of the period.
- Sold, delivered This is what you sold in the period and which has been dispatched from the warehouse.
- Consumed, certified production This is what you have used for certified production within the period.
- Consumed, non-certified production This is what you used of certified products in the non-certified production.
- Used for events, webshop, retail etc. The amount of finished goods consumed  for various events, store sales etc. pulled from stock via stock adjustment and calculated in the selected unit of measure for the SKU.
- Taken for analysis The quantity of finished goods that have been pulled from stock for analysis through stock adjustment, calculated in the selected unit of measure for the SKU.
- Taken for product development The quantity of finished goods that have been pulled from stock through stock adjustment for the purpose of product development, calculated in the selected unit of measure for the SKU.
- Lost This is what you registered as lost within the period.
= Difference This is the difference between the caluculated (expected) consumption and the actual consumption. The difference should be zero. If the difference is positive or negative, it means that there is something that has not been accounted for, like unexpected loss.
Difference, percent This is the difference in percentage.

FG: Stock Movements

This table shows Stock Movements for Finished Goods (FG).

The rows in this table show the SKUs within the selected certification scheme that you marked as Finished Goods when you set up your SKU.

The rows show the following for each SKU:

Row title Explanation
End stock according to records This is your stock as it was by the end of the period before the selected period.
No adjustments related to stock-taking These are the adjustments you may have made as a consequence of the stock-taking by the end of the last period.

In case no adjustments have been made in connection with stock-taking, this row will have the text “No adjustments related to stock-taking”. In case adjustments have been made the lot numbers which have been adjusted will be displayed.
= Stock, beginning This is your stock at the beginning of the selected period.
Lots The following rows show the status each of the lots on the SKU.
= End stock according to records This is your stock at the end of the selected period.
No adjustments related to stock-taking These are the adjustments made as a consequence of the stock-taking by the end of the existing period.

In case no adjustments have been made in connection with stock-taking, this row will have the text “No adjustments related to stock-taking”. In case adjustments have been made the lot numbers which have been adjusted will be displayed.
Lots, totals This is the total, accumulated amount of stock of the specific SKU.

The columns in the table show the following:

Column title Explanation
Lot The lots on stock per SKU.
Movement Date The date the lot went in or out of your inventory.
Order The order that moved the lot in or out of your inventory.
Certificates Here are the certificates you may have attached to the individual lot.
Units Shows which units (Lot Unit and Unit of Measure) you use to measure the individual SKU or lot.
Quantity, Lot Unit The quantity you moved in and out of your inventory calculated in lot units.
Quantity, UoM The quantity you moved in and out of your inventory measured in Units of measure.
Accumulated Indicates how much is in your inventory after the lot went in or out of the inventory.


This table shows the relation between raw materials and finished goods.

The rows in the table show the recipes that are used in the production of within the selected certification scheme.

The columns in the table show the following:

Column title Explanation
Recipe This is the reference number and the name of the recipe.
Description This is the description associated with the recipe.
Actual production Displays the summed actual quantity of finished product produced where the recipe has been attached.
Expected share of finished good (%) The expected share of the raw material in the finished product according to the recipe. The figure is in percent. You can see more raw materials by clicking on the arrows next to the batches.
Expected quantities used in production The expected amount of raw material consumed in production according to the recipe. You can see more raw materials by clicking on the arrow next to the items.

Input / Output

The rows in this table show the different SKUs within the selected certification scheme, that you marked as Raw Material when you set up your SKU. Below the SKU Name in the table, you can see which Unit of Measure is used in the report (to the right).

The rows show the following for each SKU:

Row title Explanation
Beginning, stock-taking This is your stock-taking as it was in the beginning of the selected period.
+ Purchased, received This is what you purchased in the selected period and thus was added to your inventory.
+ Produced, received This is what you produced (out of raw materials) in the selected period and thus was added to your inventory.
- Sold, delivered This is what you sold in the period and which has been dispatched from the warehouse.
- Consumed, non-certified production This is what you used of certified products in the non-certified production.
- Used for events, webshop, retail etc. This is what have been pulled form stock and used for events, webshop, retail etc.
- Taken for analysis This is what have been pulled form stock and used for analysis.
- Taken for product development This is what have been pulled form stock and used for product developement.
- Lost This is what you registered as lost within the period.
- End stock-taking This is your stock-taking in the end of the selected period. If you did not select a To Date, the period will run till Today.
= Available for own production (certified) This is the summar of what is available on stock of the certified SKU by the end of the selected period of time.
- Estimated consumption based on recipes This is the estimated consumption in the selected period based on your recipes.
= Difference This is the difference between the available amount of the certified SKU and the estimated consumption of the SKU based on your recipes.

The difference should be close to zero. If the difference is positive or negative, it means that there is something that has not been accounted for, like unexpected loss. Or it could means that you recipe is not precise / updated.
Difference, procent This is the difference in percentage.
